What is Your Gigantic Goal?

Is it a Gigantic Goal? - The Core Loop

Recently, as I started to actively make a commitment to working on my website every day, whether writing, drawing, making videos, audio or even just improving on the site itself a thought crossed my mind. It may have happened while out walking, thinking about what I wanted to write for my next post. The thought was about the meaning behind having a gigantic goal. 

Now if you have read my books and possibility watched my previous videos, you would know how I defined a gigantic goal. If not, here is a recap. Previously, I defined a gigantic goal as a goal so large that it would be almost impossible for the average person to accomplish, such as going into space, become the President, or even having $5 million in the bank. 

I’ve been re-thinking this definition lately, especially as I get older. I don’t have as much time as when I was a kid. Plus, I still want to achieve great things. I want other people to do great things, I want you to do great things. This is why I’ve came up with a better definition for a gigantic goal. Here is how I define a gigantic goal now: 

“A large goal specific to that person that seems almost impossible to achieve, but they know they can do it if they keep working at it.” 

Think of several goals that seem far out of your reach that you have always wanted to achieve. You know in your heart you could achieve at least one of your gigantic goals, if you had the time and energy to put into them. Now pick just one of those goals and call it your Gigantic Goal. Then start working on it today, every day, even if is a few hours or minutes. You must build momentum to show yourself you are getting closer every day to achieving that Gigantic Goal. 

Here is the cool thing. Once you achieve your first Gigantic Goal, revisit your list of goals you made before or even create a new one. Pick out your next Gigantic Goal and get started on that one. You only stop when you choose to stop. It’s ultimately your choice whether you work on your goal or not. Now, let me ask you: 

What is your Gigantic Goal? 

Scott Larson
Elephant 1

– Design your life like a game and level up to the level you want to be at!