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Not Perfect

a comic strip about a coffee mug not being perfect
I am not perfect. I’ve recently come to the realization that I don’t need to produce perfection. That’s not necessarily true. I’ve known for some time that I’m not perfect and I don’t need to produce perfect stuff. However, it has somehow been ingrained in my head that things need to be perfect before they are released into the wild (to the public).

When I was growing up, I used to draw and write a lot. You know writing stories and drawing comics. My stories and especially my comics were far from perfect, but I was proud of them anyways. Then I joined the military and stayed in a good portion of my life (even retired from it). Maybe it was there that perfection was drilled into my head. It could also be all this social media subconsciously trying to pry itself into my head about perfection.

It is hard to say one way or another where this idea of perfection comes from. But perfection is making it harder for me to achieve my goals. I’ve achieved a ton of goals. Not to brag, it’s probably more goals than most people have achieved (just joking or am I?). This doesn’t make me a better person than anyone else. I just had different goals. The one thing about achieving goals is that it seems to always be easier to achieve other people’s or organizations goals than your own.

Throughout my life I’ve always had certain goals I wanted to achieve. Perfection has stopped me from moving forward on those goals. As I was learning about game and app development, one thing stood out to me. That one thing was, the product doesn’t have to be perfect for release. You can always update the game or app along the way making it better with time.

I looked for other imperfections. I saw a lot. There were people writing, drawing comics and making games that were far from perfect (according to my brain). These items were not perfect at all. I had to give them credit for putting their stuff out there and be willing to take a beating for their artwork. I know I could draw and write better and make a better game than some of those people. But these people had the courage to put their stuff out there. It is because of them I am moving forward, finally, with my own art goals.

That is why I’m dusting off the old drawing stuff and decided to start doing comics again. Starting with this post I am putting my stuff out there for the universe. Either enjoy it or make fun of it, at least you brought some type of pleasure.

Thank you for all the imperfect artists out there. Because of you we can live a more colorful life!

Scott Larson
Elephant 1

– Design your life like a game and level up to the level you want to be at!