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Two Goal Achievement Strategies Self-Made Wealthy People use: Simple but Hard

Goals are Simple but Hard - The Core Loop Comic Strip

I must admit that is a weird title. What do I mean by Two Goal Achievement Strategies Self-Made Wealthy People use: Simple but Hard? That is a very good question my friend. Let me try to explain it so I can even understand it. 

Throughout my life I’ve been studying how “self-made” rich and successful (wealthy) people achieved their gigantic goals (there is a reason for the quotes around self-made, but that is for another time). Because I plan on joining them sooner rather than later. Then again, I’ve been saying that for most of my life and I’m approaching half a century. Don’t get me wrong, I am successful (but not rich) by society standards, but we are talking about the rich AND successful. 

The strategies behind the self-made wealthy people (from this point on I’ll just say the rich) are fairly simple, that most of us commoners aren’t able to do it. Let me re-phrase that. We choose not to follow the strategies because they are hard. Yes, I said it, the strategies to achieving gigantic goals are simple but hard. 

The strategies are simple, understand how business and money works, be creative, and stick to the goal(s) even if it takes years to accomplish them. Pretty simple right? The hard part is sticking to achieving your specific goal. 

Here are some names you might recognize: Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffet. Each of these characters focused on what they were good at, but the key for their wealth was figuring out how business and money worked, then using it to their advantage. And each one of those people was very creative in creating their products and services to appeal to the wider audience. Finally, they stuck at it for years, not just months or a year or two, but many years. 

Here is an example of one of the people I mentioned of their goal. Then you can try it with the other three. 

I’ll use Bill Gates (I’m talking strictly about achieving his goal for Microsoft nothing more, nothing less). The single gigantic goal Bill Gates had was “getting a computer onto every person’s desk.” Simple right. It’s straight forward. He had to be creative in many areas but here are two ways he used creativity for this goal. Since he was in the software business and not the hardware business, to achieve the goal he needed to get his software on every computer. Gates did this in an ingenious way by licensing his software to computer manufacturers and customers (this was a new concept in the computer industry at the time). Microsoft was originally just an operating system (OS) (the program that runs the computer). There were a few different OSs out there at the time. How could he get people to buy and use his OS? Another creative idea he had was to buy software that compliment each other, i.e. Word and Excel, bundle it, and sell it cheaper than the competition. 

You get the idea right? The hard part is pulling all these smaller goals together to achieve the gigantic goal. It took years for Gates to become good at programing and business. Then many more years to achieve his goal for Microsoft. If Gates didn’t have the business knowledge and savvy he had, we may be using a different OS on a majority of computers today. Simple goal, but hard to achieve. 

This is different than being just successful. There are many successful pro athletes and celebrities that are wealthy when they are at the top of their game but become poor (compared to their previous standard) when they retire or fall off their game. The biggest reason in my opinion for this fall is they don’t understand how business and money work. If they understood how to use their brand as a business and money properly. They could easily live a life of luxury for the rest of their life if they learned about business and how to use their money properly. Make the money work for them instead of against them. 

Well adventurers, that’s all I got for now. Just remember, do what the self-made rich and successful people do, understand how business and money works, be creative, and keep focused on your goals while taking purposeful action towards them. And remember it may take a long time for you to achieve your gigantic goal. 

To sum up the two strategies: Keep the goal simple and work
hard to achieve it!

Scott Larson
Elephant 1

– Design your life like a game and level up to the level you want to be at!